
Andriol testocaps – It is a steroid consisting of a combination of proteins and carbohydrates. Often minerals and vitamins are added to it, which improves the absorption of the product. This composition gives the athlete energy and simplifies training. The main goal of Andriol testocaps — rapid weight gain due to the growth of muscle mass during exercise.
On the additional intake of carbohydrates and proteins, it is worth thinking about those who regularly spend a lot of energy in the gym and want to see a noticeable growth of muscles. Carbohydrate-protein mixes are suitable for those who suffer from underweight, are not able to adhere to strict dietary schemes, or do not see progress from training.
Plus Andriol testocaps are that they quickly restore the body’s energy reserves after intense loads and eliminate fatigue.
Also additive is capable of:
- increase the number of amino acids in the body;
- quickly regenerate muscle tone;

- give a burst of energy;
- ramp up 3–7 kg of muscle tissue per month.
Testosterone Undecanoate is usually associated with a power load, but this opinion is erroneous. The additive is indispensable for aerobic training, boxing, athletics, and sports games. It allows you to extend the time of training and quickly restore muscle after any load.
Types of Andriol testocaps
There are several types of supplements, which primarily differ in composition, namely the percentage ratio of proteins and carbohydrates. It is customary to distinguish the following types of Andriol:
1. High calorie or «fast». In them, the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates is 1 to 4 or 1 to 5. The composition includes fast carbohydrates, which give the body a lightning charge of energy and are great for those who want to gain weight and train intensively. One portion of the product contains from 1 to 1.3 thousand calories.
2 High protein or «slow». In the composition of such Testosterone undecanoate cycle, protein predominates. The ratio of proteins and carbohydrates – 1 to 2 or 1 to 3. They have little sugar and a lot of high-quality carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. A standard serving contains no more than 1 thousand calories.

Of course, this separation is conditional. Many products are intermediate between «fast» and «slow» Andriol. Often, they skillfully combine the merits of both species.
The choice of a specific Andriol testocaps depends on the individual characteristics of your body. If the weight is insufficient and the metabolic rate is high, use Andriol high-calorie. They will add to the diet extra calories, which, together with sports activities, will help build muscle in a short time.
If you have an excess of adipose tissue, give preference to high-protein Andriol. You are contraindicated «fast» supplements because they will provoke the growth of body fat.
Admission rules
To supplement gave the maximum effect, you need to take it correctly. Beginners often make the mistake of using Testosterone Undecanoate at night. It is necessary to drink Andriol one hour before or 30 minutes after the training.
Such a regimen is explained very simply. Full-fledged training leads to a lot of energy consumption. If the energy level falls, then continuing to exercise will not only be difficult but also dangerous. Energy is taken from carbohydrates, so taking Andriol before the session is fully justified.
Taking the Testosterone undecanoate cycle after exercise helps to quickly replenish the strength and reserves of the body by closing the so-called carbohydrate window. If these are your goals, then do not forget to drink the supplement within half an hour after completing the workout. So the body will have time to process carbohydrates into glycogen.
About Andriol also do not forget in the days of rest. When workouts are absent, drink it before lunch. This will not allow the body to use internal reserves. You can also take one portion of the Testosterone undecanoate cycle a few hours after breakfast.

If weight gain does not occur, increase the dosage on the days of study and rest. But it is worth too zealous. In most cases, just one additional portion is enough to get the desired result.
During the reception of sports nutrition should pay special attention to the quality of your diet. Remember that Andriol testocaps – This is just a supplement that can not provide your body with all the necessary vitamins and trace elements. Testosterone Undecanoate alone is not enough; make your diet as varied and balanced as possible.
Professional athletes are advised to eat fractional — the body needs 6–7 small meals per day. First, you can study the composition of products and keep track of calories, it will help you make the diet useful and comfortable. Normally athletes eat fully 3–4 times a day, and 1–2 times take sports nutrition. This approach allows the body to get everything he needs.
Composition and preparation
A standard portion of Andriol contains 20–40 g of protein, 50–80 g of carbohydrates, and a small amount of healthy fats. The presence of other substances differs from company to company. Do not exceed the recommended dose, as the product simply will not be digested.
Cooking Andriol testocaps is easy. One portion of dry matter must be diluted in a glass of liquid. Water or milk is best. After that, the product is ready for use.
Testosterone Undecanoate can be combined with other types of sports nutrition. It is best to combine it with creatine. This is because proteins and carbohydrates in the composition will contribute to the more rapid absorption of creatine. You can also take additional protein complexes and multivitamins.
The testosterone undecanoate cycle should not be used during active weight loss or if you are working to create a relief.
Possible harm
The testosterone undecanoate cycle consists of natural ingredients, so it does not differ from other foods. It can be taken by men and women at any age.
Andriol testocaps are harmless, but in some cases, its individual intolerance develops, which leads to indigestion. This usually happens with problems with the pancreas. In the event of diarrhea, you should stop taking Testosterone Undecanoate for several days and then continue to drink it in small doses. Consult a doctor.