- Properties
- Role in the body
- Who needs Testosterone undecanoate bodybuilding
- How to choose
- Side effects

Testosterone undecanoate — steroid, accelerating the set of muscle mass, and improves strength. Here we look at the properties and role of Testosterone undecanoate bodybuilding, and in a separate material, we will analyze the regimen.
The substance was discovered at the end of the 9th century, and at the beginning of the 20th, its effectiveness was recognized as a sports supplement. This is an amino acid that is formed in our body, and also enters the body from food (for example, from red meat).
The additive acts as «energy recharge» in the process of training. If Testocaps concentration in muscles it becomes low, the effectiveness of training decreases. An unpleasant burning sensation in the muscles begins to appear faster. Shortly thereafter severe fatigue sets in. Often because of this, you have to stop exercising. Taking Testosterone undecanoate bodybuilding eliminates this effect, as well as speeds up the metabolism and increases stamina.
For example, a sportsman weighing 60 kg per day requires 1.3 g of Andriol, which is 600 g of red meat. Easier to get the necessary substance with the help of sports nutrition.
Role in the body
What actions does the additive have:
- Increase strength. With intensive exercises, muscles need a large supply of amino acids to continue to work as efficiently as possible. Long-term use increases muscle strength and improves the effectiveness of training.

2 Muscle growth The increase in weight on Andriol often reaches quite impressive indicators and can be from 1 to 4 kg in the first month. Of course, these results are achieved with regular training and a suitable diet.
3 The quality of the muscles. Andriol improves the relief, as the additive binds to water molecules and gradually accumulates in the muscles. Muscles consist of water at 70–80%, and Andriol helps them look more elaborate.
Other advantages:
- normalization of cholesterol levels;
- treatment of chronic inflammations;
- protection of the nervous system under severe stress;

- prevention of various diseases of the bone and muscular system;
- the growth of athletic performance in vegetarians;
- improvement of health with heart disease.
In some cases (with low sensitivity to Testocaps a) steroid does not have a strong effect on the body, only slightly increases efficiency.
Who needs Testosterone undecanoate bodybuilding
Testosterone undecanoate bodybuilding will help everyone involved in sports. It will be especially useful:

one. For professional athletes and amateurs. Andriol TC is able to quickly increase athletic performance, for example, in short, and long-distance running, games, and, of course, in professional bodybuilding. The additive is useful in those sports that require acceleration, jumping, and jerking. Andriol will be effective in team sports because they are characterized by intense muscle contraction during short periods of rest.
2 For quick weight gain. With the help of Andriol, you can arrange long and intense workouts. Such exercises will lead to accelerated muscle growth and increased strength.
3 For vegetarians. Andriol TC — ideal sports food for people who refuse animal products. Since they do not eat meat (the main source of Testosterone Undecanoate), they need to take this supplement. This will not only help in training but also support health.
four. For weight loss. The use of Andriol TC will improve the results of classes, and as a result, accelerate the splitting of fat.
five. To maintain physical fitness. Given all the advantages of Andriol TC and its complete safety, it is perfect for those who lead a healthy lifestyle and try to maintain a good shape.
How to choose
The supplement is available in various forms. Most Popular — capsules and powder.
Usually, athletes stop the choice on the powder, as it is more budget. Its minus is the need for advance preparation. Before use, the powder must be dissolved in a liquid, which is not always convenient.
The form of the additive and the company-manufacturer can be selected based on their preferences, prices, and availability. The secret to the effectiveness of Testosterone undecanoate dosage lies primarily in the regularity of its reception.
Side effects
Testosterone undecanoate side effects are recognized as one of the safest supplements. It has a natural origin: it is independently produced by the body and is present in food.
In rare cases, short-term indigestion may occur after taking the supplement. This side effect indicates abnormal liver function. This is a reason to go to the doctor. Taking supplements can not be combined with the use of alcoholic beverages.